Sunday, January 23, 2011

Finally, I resigned! :)

It all started 2 years back.
I was a small boy back then.
People were taking my advantage.
Although I was learning this,
but I turned a blind eye and had patience.
The plot started to thicken,
and I was getting trapped slowly.
I accepted the fact this is part and parcel of life.
We are humans and sometimes
we have to make tough decisions.
My Dad supported me a lot during these days,
I concentrated on work and performed well,
but pressure was building up.
I tried not to show off the pressure and always smiled.
Some months back there were moments,
when it was about to happen.
But now it was too much and I agreed.
Tried hard and got really a very good offer
and then took with Parent's advice.
No doubt i enjoyed all these years
Still thought a lot, consulted with some really close friends

Finally I resigned, I resigned from bachelorhood

Relieving date is not yet decided. I'm happy to be on notice period ;)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

आज उनकी जय बोल |

An awesome poem by रामधारी सिंह दिनकर |

जला अस्थियां बारी-बारी
चिटकाई जिनमें चिंगारी,
जो चढ़ गये पुण्यवेदी पर
लिए बिना गर्दन का मोल
कलम, आज उनकी जय बोल |

जो अगणित लघु दीप हमारे
तूफानों में एक किनारे,
जल-जलाकर बुझ गए किसी दिन
मांगा नहीं स्नेह मुंह खोल
कलम, आज उनकी जय बोल |

पीकर जिनकी लाल शिखाएं
उगल रही सौ लपट दिशाएं,
जिनके सिंहनाद से सहमी
धरती रही अभी तक डोल
कलम, आज उनकी जय बोल |

अंधा चकाचौंध का मारा
क्या जाने इतिहास बेचारा,
साखी हैं उनकी महिमा के
सूर्य चन्द्र भूगोल खगोल
कलम, आज उनकी जय बोल |