What is the key to happiness?
I have the key to happiness and I’m ready to give it to who ever comes to me but there is one condition. I would like to narrate my condition through the small story which my Dadaji used to tell me and my cousins.
"A poor lady lost her young son. The son was just 12 years old. She went crying to Lord Buddha asking Him to bring back son to life. Gautam Buddha told her its not possible. She argued, cried before Him saying he is God and can do anything. Finally, Lord Buddha told that this can be done using only one method. He told her to get few wheat grains from a house where nobody ever died or the family members who have never seen any deaths. She went on door to door asking for if she can find such house. Whole day she visited all houses, shacks and places in the village and nearby places but couldn't find any house where the family members haven't seen any deaths. She came back to Lord Buddha and said she failed to get wheat.
Lord Buddha said ‘anyone that comes to life has to face death one or the other time - some face the death early some late’.
And the poor lady learnt the fact of life and death"
Life is full of ups and downs. Similar to above story we must treat downs in our life as a death of some good times and move on for the next life of happiness.
There is no key to happiness as such.
NIce 1 Dude!!!!
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