Today, I went to one of my colleague's cubical. She was talking about some of her tech dream she had last night, what a co-incidence even I saw something related to time zones and suddenly thought of abhishek's post came to my mind. When I read his post i never believed how can anybody dream of code and IDE while you have so much of other stuff to think about like "Maria Sharapova" ;-). Well now when I heard she was thinking about the Portal Project. I understood this is what happens when you do same kind of work day-in-day-out and you do not have anything other than work. This reminded me of my 12th grade when i used to study chemistry (organic to be very specific), that time I always used to dream about the Benzene , Friedel Crafts reactions, Periodic table and many more stuff from the book by O.P. Agrawal quite often. A week back I was dreaming of Beaches in Goa and now timezones, iTimeZoneOffset, DateTime,etc, etc [:O]
Dreams you see are nothing but a real complex mixture of thoughts that come to your mind that day - In Short dreams are outcome of chemical locha.
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