I have seen, heard a lot of cases of proposals. I mean the guy proposes a girl or a girl proposes a guy(which is rare). What do people say when they propose ... Oh let me clarify we are not talking about the marriage proposals here, Most of them say "I love you" the important word here is love ... I still remember someone asked me a couple of years back - What do you mean by love and I answered its the feeling a baby has for his/her mother and father. In this mean world the same child will abandon their parents at later stage. And guys n gals use their term so often as if its just a word.
For me its a delicious recipe.
P.S. This recipe is purely my views collected over my small experience of 23 years in this world.
List of ingrediants are
- Understanding
- Trust
- Respect
- Affection and
- Care
Each of the above ingrediants have the VETO power to make love a success or a failure. Reciepe is ready when strong flavor of care is added the base of understanding stirred with respect and baked with the warmth of trust for appropriate amount of time gives us the fragrance of affection and gives us the delicious recipe called love. Anything missing won't give you the exact preparation. Few people want more stuff like topping/icing etc but thats not part of my recipe.
You can derive to many conclusion with this ... like there is no such thing called love at first sight. I gave a thought on this if i have said this to anyone... Yes i had said this to one person and that too just because i wanted to say so; whom i remembered after months when i'm writing this post. We used to talk and she was the only one person who asked me to define this word and when i was about to tell this to someone i gave a second and a deep thought on this word and came upto the conclusion that. . . . No that wasn't love neither is this ... Its just people call "Crush"... :-)
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